Cabo Verde


Cabo Verde

map of Carbo Verde map of Carbo Verde islands

Cabo Verde: Sal, Santo Antao, Sao Vicente, Santiago, Fogo

This trip to Cabo Verde was over the turn of the year 2013/2014. Fantastic landscapes, people and music. Every island is unique, the photos here were taken on the islands of Sal, Santo Antao, Sao Vicente, Santiago and Fogo.

I experienced New Year´s Eve in Mindelo on Sao Vicente, people were continuously dancing long into New Year´s Day.

Look at the view from the Pico do Fogo down into Cha das Calderas. Almost one  year later everything was different there, the villages of Portela and Bangaeira destroyed by lava.

A few pictures you can also find within Lifestyle, Landscape and People.