2019Yemen Today
Usually when I add a new series of photos I´ll take another one out so that the website will not look too crowded. Still, there are a few photo series which have been there from the beginning. Yemen is one of those.
The pictures I took are from 2008. Yemen today is different – what would I see when visiting the places of which I took pictures again today. I don´t know.
When reading or listening to the news in Germany, I rarely encounter anything about the ongoing war there. Why not? And when Yemen is in the news then there is little in-depth information. Who are the fighting parties, what are they fighting for? Who are the acting persons or groups who are really responsible for the war? Why are we (our politicians) not helping the people of Yemen? To me most of the news on the war seem to be very biased. Is that so? If yes, why is that so? Please check for yourself, try to dig deeper, try to find out the answers.